Families who want to reduce gas and electricity bills, but not the technical means, such as solar panels and insulation have offered a hand.
Ed Miliband, the Environment Minister, has unveiled plans for "green loans" which means that owners can borrow up to £ 10,000 to make their homes warmer and cheaper to run now and to reimburse savings on future bills.
And new laws are drafted to ensure that when families move, leaving an outstanding debt. The new owners who will benefit from improvements on the loan when they move into a management. The plan announced today is a critical part of the Government's proposed "green makeover" for the UK. At the moment, the UK's housing stock accounts for a quarter of our greenhouse emissions.
Installation of measures such as solid wall insulation can reduce energy bills by an average £ 380 per year.
Under the Pay As You Save plan, six million homes, some will be isolated in 2011, all ceilings and walls of the cavity, where it is practical to do so will be isolated in 2015 and seven million "eco-upgrades" will be offered to households in 2020.
The government also wants to emphasize the benefits associated with its package of proposals: it takes its new "green strategy" to create 65,000 jobs in a green house area.
New homes warm, Greener Homes Strategy also proposes a restructuring of the energy certificates to help people understand how to make their homes more energy efficient. Home-owners will even be able to reinvent "virtual green makeover" on their online properties before taking action.
The Government will also consult to establish minimum energy efficiency standards for buildings leased to tenants to help pay the bills left high energy in the air currents, the houses where the owners have no incentive to improve inefficient.
Energy and Climate Change Ed Miliband, the Secretary said: "The chimney, Green Homes eliminating the deterrence strategy of upfront costs and reduce the hassle of moving to a greener life.
"Making homes more energy efficient will protect people from the upward pressure on the bills, the fight against climate change and make us less dependent on imported energy."
The eco-loan scheme was tested in 5,000 homes in London, Birmingham, Sunderland and Stroud and will be deployed throughout the United Kingdom from 2012.